Stop Intimidatie

by PlatformOOV



Anyone in the Netherlands who suffers from street harassment can now report it directly via this app. We ensure that, in whatever municipality you are, the Public Order & Safety department is informed and can take action. A targeted approach to street harassment requires insight into its nature, scope, manifestations, victims, perpetrators and hotspots. The Stop Harassment App against Street Harassment. Is available to everyone in the Netherlands. Every municipality can join in its entirety and citizens can download the app for free. Each participating municipality provides its citizens with information about (dealing with) street intimidation. Citizens throughout the Netherlands who are victims of and/or witnesses to street harassment can easily report the incident, location and time via the app (anonymously if desired). This gives the municipality and police insight into the nature, size, manifestations, victims, perpetrators and hotspots. The participating municipalities can then take action towards the victim(s) and perpetrator(s) of street harassment. Join us, download the app and report annoying harassing behavior within your municipality that makes it less fun to shop or go out! The municipality of Dordrecht, together with C3Group and RONT, has taken the initiative to develop this app for the whole of the Netherlands.